Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Busy as a bee...

I'm busy trying to finish my auditing assignment also
I have to study for the exam coming up next week.
Its a very hectic week for me. This is my 50th post, this
 goes out to you all my anonymous readers. I will be back
soonest. Keep it logged, also check out: Lessy's Pink Lens


Sunday, March 11, 2012

I will be back! *smiles*

ooh Urbanlife I haven't abandoned you,
mommy has been busy with some other staff,
she'll be with you very soon. A lot has happened
in mommy's life and you'll hear all about it when I get back.

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Truth Without Photoshop

This has really touched me last night; a friend of mine sent it to me. I shed a tear watching it. Thought maybe I could share it with you.
God is always there for us no matter how much the devil may attack us and bring us down; God will always come forth for us. We may look good on the outside, putting on our best smiles, but deep down we hold so much pain. And God is there with us.
Lemme not spoil it you listen and enjoy, hope it touches your heart too and bring about change in your life.
This is a dedication to every woman out there, for the month of November which a month of women (for me).
Janette Ikz from P4CM (Passion 4 Christ Movement)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

its my birthday month!

I know my birthday is over already but I was so busy with school that I didn't have time to make an update beginning of month, but anyway I'm almost done with all my assignments and will be getting ready for my exam very soon.

Well it was my birthday yesterday my bad on Sunday 6th November feels like yesterday because it was really great. I was going 18 this year i mean 22, 22 ain't bad right? Still young, I can still do a lot of things like sky diving and bungee jumping, yes, no, maybe!?!

I thank God for blessing me with yet another year of life. His grace is sufficient for me. I thank him everyday for the wonderful family and friends, I'm a truly blessed child. I don't know how Malaysia would have been without Pam and Precious, I can't imagine! May God continue to bless them and give all the desires of their hearts.

My birthday celebration was small and worth remembering. Monkey baked for me specially, it was overwhelming felt like crying. She's always there for me every time.
Emma had long promised to get me a cake on birthday, I just took him for granted cause he's always joking and I just thought he was joking as usual. OMG! and he really got me a cake, I didn't know what say! Just thank you a billion times, Emma he is one of the friends God has blessed me with.

I had cake, cookies and sausage rolls with monkey, house mates and a few friends came over. It was terrific!

Sausage Rolls delicious :)
Pie while still baking in the oven
miss birthday
cake & cookies yummy!
black forest cake mmmhh yummy
cutting the cake
serving the cake
doing the Malaysian pose
with BK my house mate
2 fingers Malaysian pose again
with Tenant 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Goobye September

Goodbbye September you've been so good to me even sometimes you weren't so good, but surely i'll miss you. Now hello October hope you be good me because you're just near my birthday month which is a happy month, a month of blessings.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Miss Universe

I'm so happy that Miss Universe is from Africa and not very far from home. Leila Lopes 26 of Angola was crowned Miss Universe 2011 on the 12th of September 2011, She such a beauty. She is the fourth African to win the title since the worldwide pageant, she follows South Africa in 1978, Namibia in 1992, and Botswana in 1999 and the second African of African descent to win following Mpule Kwelagobwe, Miss Universe 1999 of Botswana.
Wherever you go you'll always have haters, just ignore them till they fade away. Miss France 2011 said her nasty, sore loser comments against our Miss Universe 2011saying she surprised at her win (actually ALL the contestants were surprised not only her),
Here are her exact words:
“She was the only girl I didn’t know very well. We didn’t see her much; she was very discreet. She was often in jeans and not wearing makeup. We were all surprised by her win. Many girls made efforts that were not rewarded. I don’t know, something is missing in her temperament. The fact that the competition was held in Brazil surely played a role.”
She is just hating on Leila what does wearing jeans and the competition being held in Brazil has to do with everything? She could have just saved herself the embarrassment and kept quiet ssssssshhhhhh Miss France go sit in the corner.

She is so beautiful, much love Leila ♥ 

Stay blessed Jesus loves you!!