Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Don't stop believing...

Re:union a.k.a R3volution conference was bigger and better this year (not meaning that the previous ones weren't good). Re:union was happening from the 2-4June then we had Re:union Sunday on the 5th. The whole experience was great, was really inspired by every speaker and every event from worship to workshops to serving. I was serving the whole weekend from Thursday until Sunday, I attended all the whole day sessions it was really good. The theme for this year was TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL. On the first day during Revo P.A.R.T.Y (Preaching About Revival Through Youth) pastor Kenneth spoke, he talked on Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen" KJV He told us that God is in control of everything and wants to take us to the next level if we allow him. I like the part when he said that God doesn't work in centuries and decades nowadays he works in hours, days, weeks and months. He talked about confidence that we need to be confident in the Lord. He left us with 5 points on how to be confident 1) Encounter God 2) Employment 3) Empowerment 4) Exchange 5) Excuses ( this one happens to most us, even moses had excuses when the Lord wanted to take him to the next level by sending him to deliver His people from Egypt Exodus 3:11)
The lesson which I got from this teaching was that lack of confidence and excuses wont get us to the next level.

Day 2 hahaha well i'm laughing because we arrived late, I was with Martin the van had left us behind I blame Olerato Maleme for that.