Saturday, May 7, 2011

outside and inside are not the same

People believe that my life is perfect, but let me tell you something there is nothing like a perfect life. It may seem perfect on the eyes of other people but all jumbled in real. How you handle things, those trials and tribulations that may arise in your life makes your life perfect.
My life is so predictable, I always know what I'm going to do for the day, and how my week will end. somebody was telling me the other day wow Elsie you're living a good not so boring life, then I was you don't know my life is so boring and turn to lose interest on things so easily but that doesn't bother me, I'm used to it already. Then I told them how my life is like a programmed machine I do the same thing almost everyday. He was amazed and found it hard to believe. But it's true, I'm enjoying it not all the time though. there are always ups and downs in life....when life throw a chocolate at you eat it!!